masc + Special olympics missouri pARTNERSHIP
Special Olympics Missouri (SOMO) has been the state charity of choice for the Missouri Association of Student Councils and its members for 31 years. MASC’s relationship with SOMO presents member schools with an opportunity for service and a connection to an organization that holds events across the state. The partnership with SOMO has made MASC a leader in promoting social inclusion, acceptance and respect of all individuals.
MASC schools across the state provide an average of 12,000 volunteer hours each year and host many Special Olympics events and services. MASC made a concentrated effort in 2009 to promote Polar Plunge as an activity to participate in and raise money. Since then, MASC member schools have raised over $1,300,000 for Special Olympics Missouri with nearly 6,500 students and advisors taking the plunge.
Special Olympics athletes in Missouri are also able to attend Summer Leadership Workshop as Level 2 delegates through the SOMO Youth Activation Council (YAC) program. SOMO YAC is a member of MASC, is recognized as a student council and sends athletes as delegates with adult chaperones, most of whom have been MASC alumni. All students have benefited by this partnership and the SOMO YAC presence has become an integral part of the Level 2 program.
In 2013, MASC received the Special Olympics Missouri Award of Excellence. This is the highest organizational honor their board bestows on an individual or organization for their years of service and impact on the SOMO program. MASC is proud to call Special Olympics Missouri a friend and the partnership gives MASC the opportunity to educate the leaders of our future to be agents of change, fostering respect and dignity through service to others.
We recently celebrated our 25th anniversary with SOMO at the 2016 State Convention. Read more about that celebration here.
In 2017, MASC celebrated the million dollar milestone in partnership with Special Olympics Missouri. Since 2009, MASC has raised more than $1,300,000 to benefit Special Olympics Missouri. See the video below to watch the announcement.
Additional information about the MASC – SOMO partnership on the SOMO website here.
See more about MASC receiving the SOMO Award excellence here.
Read a profile of the MASC – SOMO partnership on the SOMO blog here.
School of Character Award
Is your school dedicated to service and taking steps towards being more inclusive? Apply for the Special Olympics Missouri School of Character Award to receive recognition for your student council and prizes to support our shared mission.
Applications must be received by: February 15, 2025 APPLICATION FOUND HERE.
(Download the form as a Word Document and then complete)
If you have questions email Ben Johnson at
Check out this video about how we reached the million dollar milestone:
SOMO Athletes who were MASC Delegates
Special Olympics MISSOURI Resources
Special Olympics Missouri Resources
Unified Sports
Unified Sports is an inclusive program that combines individuals with intellectual disabilities (athletes) and individuals without intellectual disabilities (Unified Partners) on sports teams for training and competition. Athletes and partners compete alongside one another, each in a meaningful and integral role on the Unified Sports team. SOMO offers 16 Olympic-type sports divisional by age and ability for its athletes and each and every sport has the capability of being structured for Unified Sports if someone is interested.
Suggested Activities
Advocate for your school to have Unified PE
Join or start a Unified Sports Team
Host a Young Athletes Program (YAP)
Inclusive Youth Leadership
Inclusive youth leadership occurs when students with and without intellectual disabilities work together to lead and plan advocacy, awareness and other inclusive activities throughout the school year. A socially inclusive school ensures every student is given an opportunity to contribute due to the unique skills and qualities they bring to the work.
Suggested Activities
Host an inclusive Youth Leadership Summit
Include students with intellectual disabilities in your existing clubs
Whole School Engagement
Whole School Engagement occurs when the entire staff and student body is engaged in building awareness and understanding of the benefits to all when the assets and contributions of each individual are recognized, honored and supported. This creates communities of acceptance where students with disabilities feel welcome and valued as meaningful participants in school activities.
Suggested Activities
Have a pep rally for Special Olympics Athletes
Recognize Special Olympics Athletes in the same way as other athletes at your school
Arrange to have a Special Olympics exhibition during half time of your varsity sports event.
Be Fans in the Stands at a Special Olympics Missouri competition
Campaign to Spread the Word >> Inclusion
Spread the Word >> Inclusion
Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), a group made up of over 200 million people, representing every country, belief system, sexual orientation, gender expression, race, and ethnicity, continue to be excluded and isolated from their peers in schools, workplaces, and communities around the world. By taking the Pledge to Include and by acting for meaningful inclusion, you can combat the hurtful and dehumanizing effects of exclusion.
Take the pledge to include at Share your pledge by tagging @PledgeToInclude and Special Olympics Missouri on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok and using #PledgeToInclude. Use social media to invite others to join you. Please add the MASC tags here too!
This whole school engagement opportunity is celebrated the first week of March. Student leaders may have a physical banner or set up laptops for peers to sign the Inclusion Pledge. This can be a stand-alone opportunity or part of a Respect Week or Disability Awareness Week.
SOMO – MASC Resources
SOMO's Unified Champion Schools Website
MASC Mission Moment - presentation about SOMO to share with your student council